
Grace for the Cure: Diabetes Alert Service Dog for Gracie Sevilla – www.GracieSevilla.com


In March 2018, our 4 year old daughter, Gracie Sevilla (now 5), was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, an incurable, intense, auto-immune disease that inflicts mostly children in their grade school years; a disease whose cause is unknown and is not due to diet or family history, but rather genetic markers and environmental triggers which cause the Pancreas to no longer produce life saving Insulin (a hormone in the body) necessary for blood glucose production and functioning – both high and low levels of blood glucose cause diabetic ketoacidosis which leads to diabetic coma, swelling in the brain and then, death.

Our campaign goal for her is a Diabetes Alert Service Dog; a specially trained service animal that has the ability to quickly detect changes in her blood that could be life threatening. The dog then alerts the person with Diabetes and those around her, allowing time for treatment of both highs and lows.

We don’t currently have a dog and it makes perfect sense for our family pet to be specially trained to alert us of Gracie’s life-threatening highs and lows.

You can read about Gracie, Type 1 Diabetes, and how it has impacted our family in a recent article on her by Insulin Nation and also a more recent feature story in Inland Empire Sports & News .

Kendall Simmons, an all-time Pittsburgh Steelers great, recently tweeted out to Gracie as being an inspiration to all with Type 1 Diabetes.


Gracie was also featured with her Ohio State Buckeyes Under Armour Flag Football League on Channel 2 & 9 news – Los Angeles – for not only being the youngest in the league, the only girl for that matter, but also the only Type 1 Diabetic in the league; wearing her Dexcom G6 under her shorts and on her thigh as she played.

You can read about her here .


Type 1 Diabetes, not to be confused with adult onset Type 2 Diabetes, requires moment by moment, day to day treatment and left untreated, can be immediately fatal. Persons with Type 1 Diabetes require Insulin injections after every meal; especially those which contain carbohydrates, as well as finger pricks to check blood glucose levels. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices (CGM’s) lessen the need for finger pricks.


Gracie receives multiple injections of Insulin daily after every meal and snack and one night time dose of a different type of Insulin (Lantus) which is long acting; periodic finger pricks and now wears a Dexcom G6 continuous glucose monitoring system that has a filament like catheter that inserts under the skin; continuously testing glucose levels and that which transmits a reading to our phones every 5 minutes and sounds alarms alerting us of dangerous highs and lows so that we may treat her high and low symptoms with Insulin or carbohydrate fluids or foods.


The Dexcom g6 is an absolute blessing for us and a literal life-saver. Gracie’s mother, Melodie, fought with her Pediatrician and our insurance company to get the “non-essential” medical device which even with insurance, is extremely expensive (each sensor cost several hundred dollars and needs to be switched out every 10 days or sooner and the transmitter or “brain” is 3 times as expensive and also last a relatively short period of time). These components often fail well before their expiration and long waits and troubleshooting sessions with tech support; fights with the pharmacies and insurance companies, much less the Pediatrician, are common.


DIABETIC ALERT DOG: Although the continuous glucose monitoring device (Dexcom G6) is essential to us (can’t imagine not having it after having had it), man-made technology fails and there is something much more reliable and would be such an amazing blessing to the entire family, especially little Gracie, who loves animals.

We don’t currently have a dog and a well-trained Diabetic Alert Dog makes all the sense in the world.

Properly trained, certified Diabetic Alert Dogs can alert of a life-threatening, impending high or low blood glucose level as much as 15 minutes sooner than a medical device and even a finger prick. God has designed these dogs with such an amazing keen seen of smell; instinct and loyalty for it’s owners that the dog will wake up or otherwise alert a sleeping parent or child to let them know that the blood glucose levels are rising dangerously fast or dropping dangerously low; such a loveable and reliable medical alert system to help strengthen what we already have and provide for just a little bit of peace of mind in the midst of what is a constant stressor and source of great anxiety.


Gracie’s dad is a great provider for his family but in considering this newly learned option (Diabetic Alert Dog); factoring in our family’s gifts and talents and our no choice other than to accept this disease and meet it head on, we’ve decided to take this route to help raise not only funds to purchase a specially trained dog from a reputable and certified Diabetic Alert Dog organization, but also to raise awareness about this horrible disease; something we are committed to doing for the rest of our lives.

Diabetes Alert Service Dogs from reputable, certified, licensed trainers cost in the tens of thousands of dollars and most insurance companies do not cover the costs of diabetic alert dogs or service dogs in general, because their effectiveness has not yet been proven in scientific studies. Therefore, for the reasons stated above and for this reason, we invite you to join little Gracie in our “Grace for the Cure” fundraiser for a Diabetic Alert Dog for Gracie, and to raise T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) awareness.


We believe that God can instantly heal Gracie and all who suffer and pray earnestly that He will. However, we know that in this life we shall suffer and take the good with the bad, praising Him unceasingly and remaining steadfast in our faith in Him. In the meantime, and in the midst of this fiery trial, He has been ever faithful and has blessed us in so many ways. It is our prayer that all who suffer and deal daily with this terrible disease will receive healing soon and that God will bless us all with a cure, and continue to fill us with His grace and mercy.

Until there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, there is Gracie, and if God wills, she shall have her furry companion soon enough while raising awareness, as we’ve learned so many no nothing, very little or are very misinformed about a very serious and life-threatening disease.

Grace for the Cure!

Our Amazing Grace!







Gracie with  her mom (Melodie) and older brother Luke, walking for a Diabetes Cure at the JDRF One Walk event at Anaheim Stadium this year.


Family and friends supporting Gracie and Team: GRACE FOR THE CURE!


Gracie Sevilla, Type 1 Diabetic

Up for the Challenge, Down for the Cause: Grace for the Cure!

Fundraising to End Type 1 Diabetes

Team “Grace for the Cure” is Up for the Challenge and Down for the Cause!





Sevilla Local Media

Support Team Gracie Sevilla



Support Team Grace for the Cure!


Our team is participating in walks to end type 1 diabetes (T1D). The JDRF One Walk is one of many that we will participate in this year and we seek to also promote and support other reputable organizations, as well.


What’s in the World is Going On with Gracie?!


In March of 2018, our little Gracie was not her normal self. Her dad noticed her waking up several night in a row, late at night, to use the restroom and asking for something to drink as she was always “very thirsty”. Knowing a little something about Diabetes, her dad feared the worse and began to research and learn what he had been already fearing. He sent a link to his wife, who was fast asleep at the time and she was in denial. As the weekend approached, they knew they had to make an appointment with the doctor. Gracie’s Mom Melodie, was too distraught to call her Husband Tommy that morning, so one of his daughters had to, telling him to get down to the doctor’s office immediately, as it was certain Gracie was now a Type 1 Diabetic and they all needed to be trained to manage this deadly, life-long illness.


“It was not because of his sins or his parents’ sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.

John 9:3


So many questions were asked and so much was immediately learned; Type 1 Diabetes is not caused by eating too many sweets, a poor diet or being obese, but is rather an Autoimmune Disease whereby the Insulin producing pancreas shuts down for one reason or another, mostly likely the latent effects of having been afflicted with a virus long, or not long ago.



When you have T1D, your body stops producing insulin—a hormone essential to turning food into energy. Managing the disease is a constant struggle that involves monitoring your blood-sugar level, administering insulin, and carefully balancing these insulin doses with your eating and activity just to stay alive.



Gracie Sevilla – Type 1 Super Star!

We live by faith in Jesus Christ and lean not upon our own understanding, but rather trust Him in all things. Although sometimes it’s so much easier said then done, ultimately, we trust in Him and love Him so much. This being said, he’s blessed Gracie’s dad as a provider for his family and also with great determination and zeal for good things and causes; we feel ashamed at not knowing the struggles that so many dealt with before this came into our lives and we’re determined to overcome this daily with joy and live lives as normal as possible, using our talents and resources to the glory of God the Father; helping as many as possible and also helping to fund a cure.

Even with insurance this is an exceedingly expensive disease but where God guides, God provides and if we can bring awareness and also give to others in need like we have, awesome!




With T1D there are no days off and there is no cure. But there is hope.





Donate Directly to the Team and to Gracie and Her Needs


We trust in God and do not rely upon anyone but Him but we know full and well he works through others through prayers and giving from their hearts. Even as He has always supplied our needs abundantly and faithfully, there are those who love Gracie and know the struggle of this disease and want to help and therefore, want to donate to the Team itself, for Type 1 Diabetes extraordinary needs, in addition to or in place of the organizations that we support. For this reason, we have created donation buttons and the means to support, below.



However, know that if God hears your prayers, we cherish your prayers MOSTLY, but like some want to help Team Grace for the Cure monetarily, for this event and others upcoming, your gift on this site will:

Go directly to her special fund for events and other extraordinary needs; such needs are things like:

  • Attending special camps for Kids with Type 1 Diabetes, where the staff are either Type 1 themselves or highly trained and equipped. Gracie, only recently met another kid with Type 1 Diabetes in July; he, too, had a Dexcom g6 monitoring device, and it’s important for her to feel like she’s not alone, hence, our participation in these events organizing support teams and such;
  • 24 hour Glucose monitoring (Dexcom g6 sensors, for example, cost about $500 each and last only 10 days). Although we’ve been approved and have paid for a Dexcom g6 and have finally gotten insurance to cover it, there are always issues, limited supplies and red tape, forcing a lot of high, out of pocket expenditures;
  • Glucose Pump (something we are considering at the moment);
  • A specially trained Diabetic alert (service) dog that we are strongly considering at the moment. These dogs are specially trained and raised as pups in just a few places across the country and range from $10,000 and up. They can literally alert a glucose level drop or spike 15 minutes before it happens.

Things like this.



A Puppy for Gracie?


Your gift will go toward these things and will also go toward funding self-promoted future events, as we use our talents and resources to fight this disease to the benefit of ALL who suffer, especially the kids, with Gracie’s upcoming website (below). The direct gifts in the future will be tax-deductible:


You may donate using the Pay Pal buttons below, which will give you the option of paying by credit card or Pay Pal at checkout. If you’d like to increase the donation, simply change the quantity of the item at check out.

We thank you for your time and consideration and support.



$20 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure

$50 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure

$75 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure

$100 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure



To give directly to the JDRF, simply click on the link below!

Contact: [email protected]



Support Team Gracie Sevilla: Grace for the Cure; End Type 1 Diabetes!

Type 1 Diabetes Fundraiser – Team Grace for the Cure


gracie sevilla t1d superstar




Sevilla Local Media

Support Team Gracie Sevilla

Support Team Grace for the Cure!

Our team is walking to end type 1 diabetes (T1D).

When you have T1D, your body stops producing insulin—a hormone essential to turning food into energy. Managing the disease is a constant struggle that involves monitoring your blood-sugar level, administering insulin, and carefully balancing these insulin doses with your eating and activity just to stay alive.




With T1D there are no days off and there is no cure. But there is hope.

To Donate to the Event, with your 100% tax-deductible donation going directly to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), please do so here by clicking the logo button at bottom or, if you wish to donate to Gracie’s team – Grace for the Cure – directly, please continue to read on …


Donate Directly to the Team and to Gracie and Her Needs

There are those who want to see their donations go to the Team itself for the event(s) and to Gracie herself, directly. For this reason, we have created this page and the means to support, below.

We cherish your prayers and if you would like to help Team Grace for the Cure for this event and others upcoming, your gift on this site will:

  • Go directly to her for to fund the team for this event and others;
  • As well as for things like special camps for Kids with Type 1 Diabetes;
  • 24 hour Glucose monitoring;
  • Glucose Pump;
  • Even possibly, a specially trained Diabetic alert (service) dog that we are considering;

Things like this.

Your gift will also go toward funding self-promoted future events, as we use our talents and resources to fight this disease to the benefit of all who suffer, especially the kids, with Gracie’s upcoming website:


You may donate using the Pay Pal buttons below, which will give you the option of paying by credit card or Pay Pal at checkout. If you’d like to increase the donation, simply change the quantity of the item at check out.

We thank you for your time and consideration and support.



$20 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure

$50 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure

$75 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure

$100 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure


gracie sevilla t1d superstar

Walk for a Cure for Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes: Support Gracie Sevilla’s TEAM GRACE FOR THE CURE!

Type 1 Diabetes Fundraiser – Team Grace for the Cure





Sevilla Local Media

Support Team Gracie Sevilla

Support Team Grace for the Cure!

Our team is walking to end type 1 diabetes (T1D).

When you have T1D, your body stops producing insulin—a hormone essential to turning food into energy. Managing the disease is a constant struggle that involves monitoring your blood-sugar level, administering insulin, and carefully balancing these insulin doses with your eating and activity just to stay alive.

With T1D there are no days off and there is no cure. But there is hope.

To Donate to the Event, with your 100% tax-deductible donation going directly to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), please do so here by clicking the logo button at bottom or, if you wish to donate to Gracie’s team – Grace for the Cure – directly, please continue to read on …


Donate Directly to the Team and to Gracie and Her Needs

There are those who want to see their donations go to the Team itself for the event(s) and to Gracie herself, directly. For this reason, we have created this page and the means to support, below.

We cherish your prayers and if you would like to help Team Grace for the Cure for this event and others upcoming, your gift on this site will:

  • Go directly to her for to fund the team for this event and others;
  • As well as for things like special camps for Kids with Type 1 Diabetes;
  • 24 hour Glucose monitoring;
  • Glucose Pump;
  • Even possibly, a specially trained Diabetic alert (service) dog that we are considering;

Things like this.

Your gift will also go toward funding self-promoted future events, as we use our talents and resources to fight this disease to the benefit of all who suffer, especially the kids, with Gracie’s upcoming website:


You may donate using the Pay Pal buttons below, which will give you the option of paying by credit card or Pay Pal at checkout. If you’d like to increase the donation, simply change the quantity of the item at check out.

We thank you for your time and consideration and support.



$20 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure

$50 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure

$75 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure

$100 Donation to Help Fund Team: Grace for the Cure


Grace for the Cure! JDRF One Way Walk for Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes

Grace for the Cure!

(Team Gracie Sevilla)

Cure Type 1 Diabetes



Type 1 Diabetes (Juvenile Diabetes)

Putting an end to T1D, one step at a time

Our team is walking to end type 1 diabetes (T1D).

When you have T1D, your body stops producing insulin—a hormone essential to turning food into energy. Managing the disease is a constant struggle that involves monitoring your blood-sugar level, administering insulin, and carefully balancing these insulin doses with your eating and activity just to stay alive.

With T1D there are no days off and there is no cure. But there is hope.

So, will you join us? Your fundraising or donation not only changes lives for people with T1D but joining JDRF One Walk will change your own life. The inspiration and fun you experience on that day will stick with you, and the pride you can take for your role will last a lifetime.

Thank you for your support.



Hall of Fame Welterweight Boxer – Armando “El Hombre” Muniz

Armando “El Hombre” Muniz – Boxing Hall of Famer – 1968 U.S. Olympic Boxing Team – Welterweight Legend


Armando “Mando” Muñíz

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:


Armando Muñiz (born May 3, 1946) is a retired MexicanAmerican professional boxer and former NABF Welterweight Champion.

Muniz was a member of the 1968 U.S. Olympic boxing team.

Summary of Armando Muniz’s Professional Career

In November 1971, Muniz knocked out title contender Clyde Gray (29-1) to capture the NABF Welterweight Championship. The bout was held at the Auditorium in Long Beach, California.[1]

Muniz made the last defense of his title in 1972 when he knocked out the favored Adolph Pruitt in eight sizzling rounds.

Muniz, one of the most popular fighters ever from Southern California, fought twenty three times at the historic Olympic Auditorium in downtown Los Angeles.

Robbed of the Welterweight Title

In 1975, Muniz traveled to Acapulco, Mexico to challenge welterweight kingpin Jose “Mantequilla” Napoles.

A 6-1 underdog at the opening bell, Muniz pounded on Napoles for 12 rounds. With the champion bleeding from both eyes, referee Ramon Berumen, after concurring with the WBC officials at ringside, raised the arm of Napoles.

Most boxing experts have referred to the Napoles “victory” as one of the worst robberies in boxing history.

Muniz was cited as the “uncrowned” champion until Napoles defeated him in a rematch.

Muniz made two more unsuccessful attempts at the title in 1977, losing to Carlos Palomino. He retired in 1978.

Muniz, also a husband, father and business professional is one of the few former boxers who is also a college graduate.

Armando, who attended UCLA, taught at Rubidoux High School in Riverside, California for more than twenty years.






Armando Muniz Professional Boxing Record

44 Wins (30 knockouts, 14 decisions), 14 Losses (2 knockouts, 12 decisions), 1 Draw [1]

Armando Muniz Fight History



Loss 16-0 United States Sugar Ray Leonard RTD 6 09/12/1978 Massachusetts Springfield Civic Center, Springfield, Massachusetts, United States

Loss 26-1-3 United States Carlos Palomino UD 15 27/05/1978 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States WBC World Welterweight Title. 141-148, 139-148, 142-145.

Win 36-1-1 United States Pete Ranzany TKO 6 13/12/1977 California Sacramento Memorial Auditorium, Sacramento, California, United States

Loss 7-9-1 Mexico Jose Palacios SD 10 06/08/1977 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States 94-95, 93-97, 96-95.

Win 13-18 Mexico Ruben Vazquez Zamora KO 8 17/06/1977 Texas El Paso County Coliseum, El Paso, Texas, United States

Win 19-5-1 Mexico Zovek Barajas TKO 4 02/06/1977 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States

Win 2-3 Mexico Antonio Leyva KO 1 20/03/1977 Nevada Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Leyva knocked out at 0:30 of the first round.



Loss 20-1-3 United States Carlos Palomino TKO 15 21/01/1977 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States WBC World Welterweight Title. Referee stopped the bout at 2:24 of the 15th round.

Win 46-9-1 United States Jimmy Heair UD 12 17/06/1976 Texas Dudley Field, El Paso, Texas, United States United States Welterweight Title.

Win 3-2-1 Mexico Abel Cordoba SD 10 08/05/1976 California Inglewood Forum, Inglewood, California, United States

Win 43-28-9 Argentina Ruben Arocha TKO 5 11/04/1976 Mexico Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico

Win 13-15 Mexico Ruben Vazquez Zamora TKO 7 04/10/1975 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States



Loss 80-6 Cuba Jose Napoles UD 15 12/07/1975 Mexico Mexico City, Mexico WBC World Welterweight Title. 142-149, 139-149, 142-148.

Loss 79-6 Cuba Jose Napoles TD 12 30/03/1975 Mexico Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico WBC/WBA World Welterweight Titles.



Win 51-5 United States Hedgemon Lewis UD 10 03/12/1974 California Inglewood Forum, Inglewood, California, United States 6-4, 5-4, 6-1.

Win 24-9 United States Johnny “Starship Trooper” Rico SD 10 07/09/1974 Arizona Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona, United States 95-98, 98-95, 100-95.



Loss 30-6-4 Puerto Rico Angel Espada PTS 10 29/07/1974 Puerto Rico San Juan, Puerto Rico

Win 16-6-2 United States Billy “Councillor” Lloyd KO 1 29/06/1974 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Lloyd knocked out at 2:24 of the first round.

Win 13-10 United States Roy Barrientos PTS 10 03/06/1974 Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Loss 30-11 Mexico Marcos Geraldo MD 10 18/04/1974 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States 5-5, 5-2, 5-4.

Loss 71-16-2 United States Eddie Perkins UD 12 22/03/1974 Arizona Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona, United States NABF Welterweight Title. 113-120, 114-118, 112-118.

Win 14-4-1 United States Walter “Sharpshooter” Charles KO 3 08/03/1974 California San Diego, California, United States Charles knocked out at 1:29 of the third round.

Win 45-4-1 United States Dave Oropeza KO 3 26/01/1974 Arizona Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona, United States

Win 12-9-3 United States Jose “The Rights” Miranda UD 10 08/11/1973 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States 7-2, 5-4, 5-3.

Loss 14-2 Mexico Zovek Barajas MD 10 11/10/1973 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States 4-5, 4-5, 4-4.

Win 3-1-1 Mexico Antonio Roldan TKO 2 06/09/1973 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Referee stopped the bout at 2:24 of the second round.



Win 48-10-1 United States Ernie Lopez TKO 7 26/07/1973 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States

Win 16-6-1 United States Thurman Durden KO 2 07/06/1973 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Durden knocked out at 0:30 of the second round.

Win 59-27-6 United States Manuel “Dr. Wagner” Gonzalez MD 10 04/05/1973 Arizona Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona, United States 98-95, 98-95, 97-97.

Win 27-4-1 United States Frank Kolovrat TKO 4 09/03/1973 Arizona Tucson Convention Center, Tucson, Arizona, United States



Loss 67-16-2 United States Eddie Perkins SD 12 30/01/1973 Colorado Denver Auditorium Arena, Denver, Colorado, United States NABF Welterweight Title. 53-59, 56-55, 52-58.

Win 44-11-2 United States Adolph Pruitt TKO 8 02/12/1972 California Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, United States NABF Welterweight Title. Referee stopped the bout at 2:01 of the eighth round.

Loss 9-4-3 United States Jose Martin Flores UD 10 15/11/1972 Nevada Silver Slipper, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States 44-47, 42-49, 44-48.

Win 8-13-5 United States Eltefat Talebi MD 10 24/10/1972 California Valley Music Theater, Woodland Hills, California, United States

Win 47-28 United States Percy Pugh KO 2 11/09/1972 California Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, United States NABF Welterweight Title.

Win 10-7 Mexico Ruben Vazquez Zamora UD 12 31/07/1972 California Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, United States NABF Welterweight Title.

Win 9-4 United States Prince Jimmy Hamm TKO 2 10/07/1972 California Inglewood Forum, Inglewood, California, United States Referee stopped the bout at 2:11 of the second round.

Win 13-13-1 United States Cassius Greene TKO 6 19/06/1972 California Inglewood Forum, Inglewood, California, United States Referee stopped the bout at 2:41 of the sixth round.



Loss 53-23-1 Mexico Raul Soriano MD 10 22/05/1972 California Inglewood Forum, Inglewood, California, United States 5-5, 3-6, 3-6.

Win 3-4 Mexico Mario Olmedo TKO 1 25/03/1972 Colorado Denver, Colorado, United States Referee stopped the bout at 2:12 of the first round.

Win 43-45-4 Ghana Peter Cobblah UD 10 18/03/1972 California Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center, Long Beach, California, United States 8-1, 7-1, 6-2.



Loss 71-12 United States Virgin Islands Emile Griffith UD 10 31/01/1972 California Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, United States 3-7, 1-9, 1-9.

Win 29-1-1 Canada Clyde Gray KO 9 19/11/1971 California Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center, Long Beach, California, United States NABF Welterweight Title. Gray knocked out at 1:43 of the ninth round.

Win 30-2 United States Gil “Knockout” King TKO 5 14/08/1971 California Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, United States Referee stopped the bout at 3:00 of the fifth round.

Win 84-18-3 Mexico Chucho Garcia MD 10 17/07/1971 California Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, California, United States 5-3, 6-3, 4-4.

Win 5-6 Mexico Mario Marquez KO 3 19/06/1971 California Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, California, United States Marquez knocked out at 1:41 of the third round.



Draw 36-4 United States Oscar Albarado PTS 10 06/05/1971 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States 3-5, 5-4, 4-4.

Win 13-12-2 United States Cipriano Hernandez UD 10 18/03/1971 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States 9-2, 7-2, 7-3.

Win 26-9-2 United States Mike Seyler TKO 3 12/02/1971 California Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, Los Angeles, California, United States Referee stopped the bout at 2:35 of the third round.

Win 11-1 United States James Caffey TKO 7 07/01/1971 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Referee stopped the bout at 2:01 of the seventh round.

Win — Jose Carreon KO 1 10/12/1970 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Carreon knocked out at 2:36 of the first round.

Win 6-4 United States Crispen Benitez KO 2 12/11/1970 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Benitez knocked out at 1:22 of the second round.

Win 3-0 United States Victor Manuel Basilio TKO 4 08/10/1970 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Referee stopped the bout at 1:25 of the fourth round.

Win 10-2-1 United States Walter “Sharpshooter” Charles PTS 6 26/09/1970 California Valley Music Theater, Woodland Hills, California, United States

Win 7-1 United States Bobby ‘Boogaloo’ Watts PTS 6 03/09/1970 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States

Win 2-3 Mexico Jose “Orange” Valencia KO 2 20/08/1970 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Valencia knocked out at 2:38 of the second round.

Win 1-7-1 Japan Takuji Iwase KO 2 06/08/1970 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Iwase knocked out at 2:40 of the second round.

Win 1-1 United States Eltefat Talebi TKO 1 23/07/1970 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Referee stopped the bout at 1:46 of the first round.

Win 6-6-1 United States “Cuppa” Joe Adams TKO 3 16/07/1970 California Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States



Boxers from Chihuahua (state), People from Chihuahua City, Welterweight boxers, 1935 births Living people, Mexican male boxers, Mexican emigrants to the United States, Boxers at the 1968 Summer Olympics, Olympic boxers of the United States

Cathy Fragoso Accident

We Support This Cause! Please Donate

Click Here to Donate to this Cause!


Cathy Fragoso Go Fund Me



Cathy Bishop Fragoso, a Riverside County Social worker/Supervisor (DPSS) for more than 20 years – a mother, grandmother and widow – suffered catastrophic injuries when illiegal street racers, in 2 separate vehicles, slammed into the vehicle she was a back passenger in, with one car fleeing the scene.

Subsequently, Cathy suffered traumatic brain jury, a broken neck, broken arm, broken pelvis, broken leg, ruptured and lacerated organs, injuries to her eyes and multiple strokes.

Cathy, a career Department of Social Services Supervisor for Riverside County, is no longer able to work and has incurred nearly 2 million dollars in medical bills thus far, and will need medical care for the rest of her life.

Your donations will help and are deeply appreciated, in addition to what her family and friends have done, and will do to help her.

See the CBS News story below regarding her accident on the 215 fwy exit and 2nd Street in San Bernardino, California.


NO ARRESTS have been made, despite San Bernardino Police Department knowing the identity of the drivers who did this to her and her two close friends; also injured. San Bernardino Police Detective – Peck, a former “street racer” himself, has been indifferent toward the plight of the victims yet, sympathetic to the offenders.

If this wasn’t enough, in last week’s Santa Ana Riverbed Fire in Riverside, Cathy’s home fell victim to the fire; the fences, trees and entire backyard were burned, the eaves of her home and Christmas lights, as well, before swift firefighters saved the actual home.

Fire behind Cathy Fragoso’s home in Riverside

Channel 2 News Video & Article

LOMA LINDA (CBSLA.com) — A Riverside grandmother was in critical condition Monday night after an accident Saturday evening that’s being blamed on illegal street racing.

As KCAL9/CBS2’s Tina Patel reports, the 62-year-old woman, Cathy Fragoso, was in the backseat of a car coming off the 215 Freeway in San Bernardino when they were hit by two cars that appeared to be street racing.

Fragoso is now in the hospital with traumatic brain injury, a broken neck and severe internal damage.

“They’ve said she may never walk again. Might not talk. She’s never going to be the same,” said daughter Melodie Sevilla.

“From what I understand the first car clipped the back of the car. The car spun and then the second car hit and it caused it to roll a few times,” Sevilla said.

Police told Sevilla they are still looking for the first car which took off after the accident. The driver and passenger in the second car were injured themselves but Sevilla said police still haven’t told her family who they are or if they are facing any charges.

“They did go to the hospital. We know that. But from what we understand they were released from the hospital,” said Sevilla.

Sevilla and her family said they’re just trying to focus on her mom’s recovery right now. But they do want drivers who race to know just how devastating their actions can be.

“It’s just needless, just needless,” said Sevilla. “It didn’t have to happen.”



Cathy Fragoso Accident

Consider Supporting This Cause: Cathy Fragoso Medical Fund

Click Here to Donate to this Cause!


Cathy Fragoso Go Fund Me



Cathy Bishop Fragoso, a Riverside County Social worker/Supervisor (DPSS) for more than 20 years – a mother, grandmother and widow – suffered catastrophic injuries when illiegal street racers, in 2 separate vehicles, slammed into the vehicle she was a back passenger in, with one car fleeing the scene.

Subsequently, Cathy suffered traumatic brain jury, a broken neck, broken arm, broken pelvis, broken leg, ruptured and lacerated organs, injuries to her eyes and multiple strokes.

Cathy, a career Department of Social Services Supervisor for Riverside County, is no longer able to work and has incurred nearly 2 million dollars in medical bills thus far, and will need medical care for the rest of her life.

Your donations will help and are deeply appreciated, in addition to what her family and friends have done, and will do to help her.

See the CBS News story below regarding her accident on the 215 fwy exit and 2nd Street in San Bernardino, California.


NO ARRESTS have been made, despite San Bernardino Police Department knowing the identity of the drivers who did this to her and her two close friends; also injured. San Bernardino Police Detective – Peck, a former “street racer” himself, has been indifferent toward the plight of the victims yet, sympathetic to the offenders.

If this wasn’t enough, in last week’s Santa Ana Riverbed Fire in Riverside, Cathy’s home fell victim to the fire; the fences, trees and entire backyard were burned, the eaves of her home and Christmas lights, as well, before swift firefighters saved the actual home.

Fire behind Cathy Fragoso’s home in Riverside

Channel 2 News Video & Article

LOMA LINDA (CBSLA.com) — A Riverside grandmother was in critical condition Monday night after an accident Saturday evening that’s being blamed on illegal street racing.

As KCAL9/CBS2’s Tina Patel reports, the 62-year-old woman, Cathy Fragoso, was in the backseat of a car coming off the 215 Freeway in San Bernardino when they were hit by two cars that appeared to be street racing.

Fragoso is now in the hospital with traumatic brain injury, a broken neck and severe internal damage.

“They’ve said she may never walk again. Might not talk. She’s never going to be the same,” said daughter Melodie Sevilla.

“From what I understand the first car clipped the back of the car. The car spun and then the second car hit and it caused it to roll a few times,” Sevilla said.

Police told Sevilla they are still looking for the first car which took off after the accident. The driver and passenger in the second car were injured themselves but Sevilla said police still haven’t told her family who they are or if they are facing any charges.

“They did go to the hospital. We know that. But from what we understand they were released from the hospital,” said Sevilla.

Sevilla and her family said they’re just trying to focus on her mom’s recovery right now. But they do want drivers who race to know just how devastating their actions can be.

“It’s just needless, just needless,” said Sevilla. “It didn’t have to happen.”