365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary

365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary
Business Genre
Short Business Description
365 Recreational cannabis offers recreational and medical cannabis in Santa Rosa
Long Business Description

365 Recreational Cannabis is a medical and recreational dispensary just south of the Emerald Triangle (Weed Capital of California). We are located in the beautiful city of Santa Rosa just off of US101 on Mendocino Avenue. Swing by for your one stop cannabis shop!

Our Story

We’ve done our research so you don’t have to! Whether you are using cannabis for recreational or medicinal benefits, we encourage you to stop by our shop to find the right products for you. We are fully dedicated to assisting our customers 365 days a year. That’s right, every single day of the year we’ll be here to answer questions, suggest products and educate the public on responsible cannabis use. Come in today, weed love to meet you!

At 365 Recreational Cannabis we carry only the highest-quality, cleanest, and purest cannabis products grown and processed right here in the great and legal state of California. In an effort to provide our customers with the best cannabis experience possible, we’re always on the lookout for new products and brands to add to our stash. If you are a licensed producer or processor, send us a message and let’s share the love.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/365SantaRosa/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/365santarosa

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/365santarosa/

Business Phone Number
(707) 999-9420
Business Address
2750 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA
ZIP Code
  • 365 Recreational Cannabis Dispensary