EXEfiles.com was founded early in the days of the Internet as a software download resource for users worldwide. Back in 1999, we were one of the first “download portals” on the Web, offering Windows free software downloads, all carefully curated by our software editors for our users. Today, you will find millions of system-critical files for download, from Microsoft Windows versions over the years (2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10), to popular applications such as Mozilla Firefox, Quickbooks, Adobe Acrobat, and hundreds of other popular software titles. If you have a missing or corrupt file on your computer, chances are, we have it available for download.
McAfee Safe Family is a parental control software that allows parents to monitor their kid’s activities, limit the time they spend on their devices and ensure that they don’t visit websites that are not appropriate for them. To download the McAfee Safe Family software, visit mcafee.com/activate and login into your account. Don’t have a user account with McAfee? If yes, then here’s how you can sign up for a user account with McAfee.