Mywifiext is a local link to open the settings of genie setup. When user try to access this web address to setup wireless extender, due to technical issue its display an error message or be unable to equate to the site. It's a like login page for any access of a network through this particular products device.
In order to set up a range extender, users have to visit It is default login address through which an extender can be easily configured. This webpage performs multiple functions such as WiFi range extender setup, troubleshooting, and a lot more. In short, is the heart and soul of your device.
But in some cases, users are unable to access MyWiFiExt and generally left with an error message which says you can’t connect to the website. This error message can vary depending on the web browser you make use of. This is because it is just a local web address rather than a standard website on internet. To overcome this issue, connect your device physically via Ethernet cable or wirelessly with range extender.
If the issue still persists, just dial toll-free number 1-855-439-4345.
Corona, CA
92880, USA